
Site visiting after project brief hand out

After we have received the project brief, we went to visit the Kiosk coffee shop in town and have taken some photos around this site. The Kiosk café was an adapted shipping container architecture standing on the concrete structure floor and unmovable. The interior of this Kiosk has been finished with plywood and some part of metal façade has been removed and was replaced with double glazing windows. There were about 20 seats for customers inside the container. Apart from container café, the small kitchen was separated outside the container, it was the part of the main building where located in the same area of the kiosk container. Some details of the kiosk are shown in the photos below.    

This side of facade was facing the street.
 The main entrance door was facing  the main building and connected to the kitchen.

 The interior of the container was using for customers seats only.

The small kitchen but sufficient for there cafe service.

This was details for how they put the container on the floor. Also the detail of using the double glazing to replace the metal sheet facade.

A very warm welcome of interior space, they used the plywood to finished the metal wall of the container.

This was the street where this kiosk located on.

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