
House on slope4

Timrarö Vacation House / Sandell Sandberg

This is another building has been built on the slope and surrounded by natural context. The entire house is wood structure which is the local material and according to the location where in the forest and connected to the beach in Sweden.

The interesting part of this building is large main terrace at the front, this is shown the connection of building space to nature. Furthermore, it is a good idea to have troof deck on the top of the building will be used for observing the 360 degree view around the site.

The contexts of this site is slightly different from my project due to it located on an island hill and connected to the sea, then the climate of this location is totally different  that the main reason for the form of building and materials .

Source:   http://www.archdaily.com/444395/timaro-vacation-house-sandell-sandberg/

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