
Portrait Photography and Columbarium Design

Portrait Photography and columbarium design

Portrait Photography is all about people. The picture of people were captured into the camera frame not only their faces but it can also capture their emotion, characteristic, posture and place of those persons in the photos.
From the design columbarium project, I have been researching on “what the most precious objects which can be represented the dead person” then, I found out that the self portrait photos are the most valuable objects to represent their owners.  It tells the story of dead person by itself. As can be seen at the generally columbarium, the dead people’s portraits were attached at the front of each unit.

When I was looking at the portrait on the columbarium, it reminds me about portrait galleries on high street where exhibit various styles of portrait photography. The photos in the gallery are not only representing the styles of photographers but also illustrate the characteristic, emotions and story of people in each photo.

Thereafter, I realized that these two things have a strong relationship between each other. If I could use the portrait of dead people to narrate their own story from first born until their death inside the columbarium, it would be a perfect combination for creating portrait art space inside the columbarium.

The portrait photos of dead persons are usually put at the front of the columbarium units. These photos can tell many things such as their genders, age before dead, character, style, emotion, and etc. which are more interesting rather than only put the name and date of birth and death.

Sometimes, not only the photos were out inside the units, the others precious things were put to represent those dead persons.
Once, I have visited my friend's photography exhibition. His project was about taking portraits of people he met one picture daily for about 2 years. The set of these photo was more like a dairy by pictures rather than words. Each photos has its own character and telling story of his day. Especially, when the whole set of photos were arrange in group month by month, it was more interesting and creating a long story.

From that exhibition inspired me about to create a columbarium that telling story of people of Nottingham by using the portraits of dead people. This will tell story of people, their race, ethnic, characteristic, genders, society, and etc of Nottingham people from time to time.

These are some ideas for out door columbarium design, imagine if this kind of architecture are not only the place for dead people or sadness, but it also be a place for educate visitors about Nottingham people's story or Photography art gallery in the Wollaton Park.  

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